Privacy & Confidentiality
Privacy is acknowledged as a fundamental human right. At SETAC we adhere to the Privacy Act 1988, which determines how we must handle your personal information At SETAC, privacy applies to all SETAC members including; the Board of Directors, Employees, Medical and Clinical Staff and Visiting Health Care Professionals.
Generally speaking, privacy includes the right:
- to be free from interference and intrusion
- to associate freely with whom you want
- to be able to control who can see or use information about you.
And there are different ways to look at privacy, such as:
- physical privacy (for instance, being frisked at airport security or giving a bodily sample for medical reasons)
- surveillance (where your identity can’t be proved or information isn’t recorded)
- information privacy (how your personal information is handled).
Before we seek to collect any information, we will always gain your verbal and written consent
At any time, you will always have the option to withdraw your consent, and we cannot rely on
past consent, for future use.
Consent must be informed, voluntary, current and specific, and you must have capacity to give
consent. This means you:
- are an adult
- based your decision on reason
- can communicate your decision
- that you are temporarily incapacitated, especially cognitive
- that you don’t have a physical or mental disability
- understand the consequences of giving or not giving your consent
- understand you’re being asked to decide to give or not give your consent
- you have a clear understanding of the English language
At SETAC we collect and keep some information, just so we can keep in touch, while other
information is so that we can deliver services, based on individual’s needs, or report de-identified
information to our funding bodies to demonstrate how we have performed.
Below is a list of the information, we typically collect
Personal information
- Address
- Date Of Birth
- Employee Record Information (Staff)
- Name
- Phone Number
- Photographs
- Signature
Sensitive Information
- Racial Or Ethnic Origin
- Religious Or Philosophical Beliefs
- Trade Union Membership Or Associations (Staff)
- Sexual Orientation Or Practices
- Criminal Record
- Health Or Genetic Information
- Medicare Details